How Minorities Businesses Can Leverage the Media to Amplify Their Impact with Allison Seymour, Get Up DC Anchor

About the Episode:

In today’s dynamic media landscape, as minority businesses continue to seek avenues for growth and success, the power of leveraging media cannot be underestimated. Seeing African American entrepreneurs breaking barriers on the news as prominent figures in their industries motivates individuals and entrepreneurs to refine their gifts, believe in their potential, and leverage the media to grow their ventures. Media platforms offer a unique opportunity for minority businesses to reach a broader audience, establish their brand identity, and foster connections with their target market. By showcasing their stories and experiences, minority businesses can not only promote their own ventures but also contribute to a more inclusive and diverse business landscape where representation matters. Learn how to embrace and harness the power of media to amplify your impact, and together, we can build a more equitable and empowered business landscape for all.

Join in on this conversation as President Sharon Pinder talks with Allison Seymour, an Emmy award-winning anchor on GetUp DC Anchor. Allison has been waking up thousands of millions of viewers on morning news in her town, Washington D.C., since 1999. Allison started her career in television at the D.C. bureau of ABC News, behind the scenes, before earning her Master of Mass Communication from the University of South Carolina. She is a proud Hampton University graduate, enshrined in the Mass Media Hall of Fame. Allison’s on-air career began during the blizzard of 1993 in Upstate New York. She would go on to work in Utica, Binghamton, and Albany, New York. During the summer of 1998, Allison took an anchor position in St. Louis, Missouri, where she met her husband, radio host Marc Clarke on her first day on the job. 

Here’s What You’ll Get In This Episode

[00:30] Introduction to the show

[05:48] Necole’s background and career journey

[08:18] How Nicole’s corporate jobs prepared her to run her construction business 

[08:18] What inspired Necole’s transition from corporate to entrepreneurship 

[00:01] Episode intro and a quick bio of today’s guest; Allison Seymour

[05:26] Allison’s aha moment and passion for becoming a news anchor from first grade

[09:04] Role models Allison related when growing up on the local and national level

[11:44] How Allison refined her gift, skills, and expression over the years 

[14:56] The lack of African American role models in the evening news and traditional networks  

[17:29] Allison’s advice on how minority businesses can leverage media to grow

[25:32] How to tell Allison’s particular station that we love Allison Seymour’s work

[27:46] What is in store for Allison in the future 

[31:22] The fun and giggles when Allison and Mark do things together 

[32:51] Ending the show: Our sponsors and events coming up

Notable Quotes

  • Your passion and dream are within you, and there is something about seeing it that allows you to believe you can do it.-
  • There comes a time as entrepreneurs when we’re not sure if what we’re doing is sitting with our spirit or we’re well suited anymore, and we can feel like we’re moving in different directions, but this is the time to shape the person we want to be.

Connect with Allison Seymour

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