As a minority business owner, you must be aware of the fiscal matters involved with your company. This includes understanding the checks and balances of your company, as well as taxes that apply to your operation.
Comptroller Peter Franchot | Checks, Balances & Taxes – Fiscal Matters for Minority Business About the Episode: The term "fiscal matters" concerns a business's financial transactions. It encompasses [...]
Tom Fong - What’s Driving The Rise In Asian-American Hate Crimes About the Episode: Asian-Americans are the fastest-growing minority group in the US. However, they are still targeted [...]
Investing in stocks is an effective way to generate passive income and can be your gateway to financial freedom when done right. It’s not a rich quick scheme. It requires patience, finding great companies Just letting them go out there and win.
How Major Industries Adapt to COVID 19 Recovery-Transportation, Gaming, and Hospitality About the Episode: The Coronavirus pandemic has significantly affected all business areas, but the transportation, entertainment, and hospitality [...]
With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, Contact Tracing has become a wide-open, human resource capital intensive area, looking for a standard, new ideas, and new delivery models.